Natural Oil Absorbing Sheets for Face with Green Tea Fragrance - 6 pack/600 sheets - Easy Dispensing Face Blotting Sheets
- Brand: Zorom’s
- Product Code: B08X17XN1T
Quantity | 6 Packs/600 Sheets |
Sheet size | 4.7"x3" |
Package Dimensions | 8.35 x 7.52 x 0.55 inches; 3.21 Ounces |
Easy dispensing | ✓ |
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- Availability: In Stock
- It’s a great feeling—to stay at the green tea field under the shining sun taking a deep breath of that fragrant air. Your skin enjoys the freshness as a light breeze touches your face. Zorom’s face oil wipes are made from highly-absorbed sheets of wood fiber pulp infused with natural green tea extract to soothe your skin even on the hottest and busiest days. Buy our unique, large-sized oil blotting sheets for face. They work well for cleaning all of your T-zone.
- With Zorom’s you’ll look great and save money with our 6 pack oil absorbing sheets at the same time! Due to solid construction, each of this 6 pack won’t fall apart in a over-stuffed women’s purse. The handy dispenser allows you to pull out one sheet at a time easily while keeping others hygienic.
- Buy A 6 pack of natural green tea Zorom’s face oil blotting sheets and be sure that is a true lifesaver for oily skin; it will be a great addition to every woman’s beauty box. Our blotting papers are natural, effective, durable and non-irritating—everything you want in a small and convenient package. Buy them and stay great looking all day!
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